From the Pastor's Pen

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October 2018

Posted by Ty Childers on


I want to start out by saying Praise the Lord great things He hath done. I am so thankful for the precious souls that have been saved and all who have joined Fairview Baptist Church. It is also a blessing to my heart and the heart of the church to have Lee James as our Associate Pastor of Family Ministries. Lee and his wonderful family are a blessing to us and I know the Lord is using him and will use him as he serves in this ministry role. I pray you are making plans to go the North Spartan Baptist Association Revival Services October 14th-16th at Northbrook Baptist Church. We need revival and I believe Dr. Len Turner, the evangelist for these three nights, will seek God and know exactly what the Lord would have him to preach so that Jesus will be honored and glorified and that hearts will be convicted and lives will changed. Fall is officially here and our Fall Festival is being planned for November 17th. That following Sunday, we will begin our 3 day Thanksgiving revival. Dr. Tom Tucker will preach Sunday and Monday nights. On Tuesday night, November 20th, we will have the Talleys in concert here at Fairview. Praise the Lord!! This fall is powerfully packed with the opportunity to reach lost people through the Associational Revival, the Fall Festival, and our Thanksgiving Revival. Praise the Lord! I know you will join me in saying we want the Lord to be praised and lifted up through all these activities, and that we are expecting Him to do great and mighty works in our midst. Let us continue to grow and work together for His glory, honor, and praise and watch HIM open up the windows of heaven and pour hot on us a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10.
Preacher Ty


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